Anne took a shower while I played in the bathtub. I can splash really well now. So I made daddy all wet. I don't like it when it's time to get out of the water. I say "bah bah" to the water when it's time to go. This outfit was a gift from Lerzan Yenge's mom and dad. I look great in it.
Annem dus yapti, ben de banyoda oynadim. Cok guzel su sicratiyorum herkese, daddy'i bir guzel islattim. Banyonun bitmesi hosuma gitmiyor ama, cikarken birazcik uzuluyorum. Suya "Bah bah" diyip cikiyorum. Bu bornozu Lerzan Yenge'nin annesi ve babasi verdi. Cok yakismis di mi?