Sunday, May 9, 2010


Yine arayi cok actik. Kardesim 1.5 yasinda biliyor musunuz? Onunla cok guzel oyunlar oynuyoruz. Bazen durup dururken birbirimize sarilip opuyoruz. Annemiz ve babamiz cok seviniyor biz oyle yapinca. Evan bazen agliyor ben ona emzigini ve arkadasini veriyorum ve sariliyorum. O zaman aglamasi duruyor.

Gunduzleri annem ve babam ise gidince Irma bakiyordu bize. Irma'nin bebegi oldu bir ay once, o yuzden bir ay boyunce Amada ve Aidan geldiler bizimle durmaya. Aidan 18 aylik. Biraz yaramaz. Birseye kafasi bozuldugu zaman hemen elindeki seyi yere atiyor veya vuruyor. Bana vuruldugu zaman cok sinirleniyorum ben. Ama yavas yavas ogreniyor Aidan vurmamayi. Evan vurmuyor hic. Elindekileri yere atmayi o da denedi ama annem hemen odasina gonderdi cezaya, o da bir daha denemedi.

Bugun anneler gunu. Annemi Evan'la beraber botanik bahcesine goturduk. Arabayi o kullanmak zorunda kaldi tabii ki. Oradaki cicekleri ve bitkileri cok sevdik ama en cok fiskiyeli havuzlari sevdik. Elimizi soktuk havuzlara. Birbirini fiskiyeyle islatan iki havuzun arasindaki yoldan ileri geri kostuk, birazcik islandik. Sonra annem bize fistik ezmeli ve recelli sandvicler, soyulmus havuc, ve limonata verdi, cimlerin uzerinde piknik yaptik. Giderken anneme bir patunya aldik. Eve gelince de telefonla annanemi aradim anneler gununu kutlamak icin.

Annem domates ve biber fidani aldi bugun. Arka bahcede bir metrekare (metrekarenin ne oldugunu bugun ogrendim) bir yer kazdi. Babam da yardim etti. Ama sonra Evan mizikcilik yaptigi icin daha fidanlarimizi dikemeden eve gitmek zorunda kaldik. Gelecek haftasonu dikecekmisiz. O zamana kadar fidanlara cok su verirsek hastalanmazlarmis.

Arayi acmamak niyetindeyim ve sadece Turkce yazacagim bundan sonra.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

I've been too busy to write!!!

Wow, I've been so busy that I haven't written to you since last NOVEMBER!!! please forgive me. I have grown so much and started doing new things. I went to preschool 2 days a week last year and I will go back to the same school in September. My nanny changed, and my Lerzan Yenge became my nanny in April. We had so much fun. I speak Turkish really well now, better than Daddy, my Anne says. Berke dayi and Lerzan yenge are staying with us in the apartment downstairs. They moved to Charlotte in the winter.

The biggest news is a very small person. My baby brother EVAN CEMIL came to us on July 2nd. My anne, daddy, and anneanne went away one night, and 2 days later, we went to a big building where anne was in a bed, and there was a little person in a little bed next to them. They said it was Kardes. His name is Evan. But I like calling him Baby. He's cute, isn't he? I think so. I kiss his head all the time, it's really soft. And I like to give his pacifier back to him when he's crying. I say "aglama bebek, aglama Evan" when he's crying. That of course, is "don't cry baby, don't cry Evan" but in Turkish :-) Did I mention I speak Turkish really well now?
I'm going to stop writing this blog in 2 languages because Anne says it takes too long, so I'll write one post in English, and the next one in Turkish. You guys can translate to each other, can't you???
LOVE you all.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I started Pre-School today / Bugun okula basladim

I've been too busy playing so I haven't updated my blog in a while. I apologize to all my fans. I started pre-school today at the Myers Park Baptist Church's Through the Week School. There are 7 friends and 2 teachers in the class with me. Anne and Miss Taryn dropped me off at 9am, and came to get me at 10.15am. I didn't want to leave the school. My friends stayed until 12.20pm. Anne told me that I can stay until 12.20 on Thursday, today was short because it was my first day. We played, had a snack, and then played some more. I don't remember all of my friends' names yet.

Cok mesgulum bu aralar, oyun oynamak butun zamanimi aliyor, sizlere yazamadim uzun zamandir. Butun hayranlarimdan ozur diliyorum. Bugun okula basladim. Myers Park Baptist Kilise'sinin okulu bu. Sinifimda 7 tane arkadasim ve 2 ogretmenim var. Annemle Miss Taryn birakti beni bu sabah saat 9'da, ama 10.15'te gelip aldilar. Ben okuldan ayrilmak istemedim. Butun arkadaslarim 12.20'ye kadar kaldilar. Persembe gunu ben de 12.20'ye kadar kalabilecekmisim. Oyunlar oynadik ve ufak bir mama yedik. Sonra bir daha oyunlar oynadik. Arkadaslarimin isimlerini daha tam ezberleyemedim ama.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Bath time

Anne took a shower while I played in the bathtub. I can splash really well now. So I made daddy all wet. I don't like it when it's time to get out of the water. I say "bah bah" to the water when it's time to go. This outfit was a gift from Lerzan Yenge's mom and dad. I look great in it.

Annem dus yapti, ben de banyoda oynadim. Cok guzel su sicratiyorum herkese, daddy'i bir guzel islattim. Banyonun bitmesi hosuma gitmiyor ama, cikarken birazcik uzuluyorum. Suya "Bah bah" diyip cikiyorum. Bu bornozu Lerzan Yenge'nin annesi ve babasi verdi. Cok yakismis di mi?

Saturday, September 15, 2007

I'm starting to play a litte too fast / Birazcik hizli oynamaya basladim

My Anne says that I'm starting to play a little too fast sometimes, so I fall and hurt myself. See what happened to my face last weekend? I was running after Bladen, I tripped on a little twig. I cried for 10 seconds but then Bladen's mom gave me a popsicle and everything was great again.

Annemin dedigine gore birazcik fazla hizli oynamaya baslamisim. Bakin gecen haftasonu suratima ne oldu? Bladen'i kovaliyordum, bir sopaya basip kaydim, suratimi yere carptim ve surttum. 10 saniye agladim ama Bladen'in annesi bana meyvali buz verdi ve hersey cok guzel oldu yine :).

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Life's Good/ Hayat cok guzel

This weekend we played a lot. My parents decided that I needed only 1 nap for day, but I disagreed and yelled at them about this. I overheard them say that I'll get back to my 2 naps tomorrow. All the hissy fits did help get my way... Life's good again.

Tomorrow Daddy is going on a business trip again to Colorado Springs. He'll be back on Thursday. He better be back because it is an important day, Anne and Daddy got married 4 years ago that day. I don't really understand what that means but I have a feeling that it's a good thing.

This Tuesday is Dede's 61st birthday. Wow! I'm not even 16 months old yet, so I really don't know what it means to be 61. I wonder if Anneanne got him any nice toys for his birthday like Anne and Daddy got me toys for my birthday.

Bu haftasonu yine cok oynadik. Annemle Daddy gunde sadece 1 uykuyla yetinebilecegimi dusunup deneme yaptilar, ben onlara bagirdim o yuzden. Ama yarin normale (2 uyku) donecegiz yine. heyo! Samatalarim ise yaradi...

Yarin Daddy is gezisine Colorado Springs'e gidiyor. Persembe gunu donecekmis. Annemle Daddy'nin 4. evlilik yildonumleriymis o gun. Ne demek oldugunu bilmiyorum ama cok iyi birsey sanirim.

Bu persembe Dedemin dogumgunu (61inci). Ben 16 aylik bile degilim daha, 61 yasin nasil birsey olacagini hic bilemiyorum. Herhalde Anneannem ona guzel oyuncaklar almistir yasgunu icin. Annemle Daddy bana oyuncak vermislerdi yasgunumde...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Anne and Daddy are back / Anneyle Daddy geri geldi

I was just getting used to being kissed and spoiled by Nana and Grandad, but Anne and Daddy came back. They said they missed me a lot and gave me lots of kisses and hugs. I kissed them too, and hugged them. I sat on Anne's lap for a while to make her happy. I think she liked it a lot. But they still won't let me play with the remote controls and cell phones. I don't understand what the big deal is, all I want to do is to change the channels and call my anneanne and dede on the phone.

Anne decided that I look pretty with a bow in my hair. I told her that I don't like things on my head but let her be happy for about 10 minutes before I took off the bow to see what it tastes like. It tastes fine but I prefer bananas. What do you think of my bow?

Tam Nana ve Grandad tarafindan simartilmaya alisiyordum ki Anneyle Daddy donduler is gezilerinden. Beni cok ozlemisler. Bol bol opup sarildilar. Ben de onlari optum ve sarildim. Annemin kucaginda oturdum bir sure, sanirim hosuna gitti, beni opup durdu. Ama hala uzaktan kumandalarla ve cep telefonlariyla oynamama izin vermiyorlar. Ne kadar degerli seyler, halbuki ben televizyonun kanalini degistirmek ve anneannemle dedemi aramak istiyorum telefonla.

Annem sacima kurdele takmayi cok istedi, sirin gorunuyormusum. Ama biliyorsunuz, kafamda birsey olmasina pek dayanamiyorum. Yine de onu mutlu etmek icin 10 dakika kafamda kalmasina izin verip sonra cikarttim. Tadina baktim. Fena degil ama ben muzu tercih ediyorum. Sizce nasil olmus kurdelem?