I was just getting used to being kissed and spoiled by Nana and Grandad, but Anne and Daddy came back. They said they missed me a lot and gave me lots of kisses and hugs. I kissed them too, and hugged them. I sat on Anne's lap for a while to make her happy. I think she liked it a lot. But they still won't let me play with the remote controls and cell phones. I don't understand what the big deal is, all I want to do is to change the channels and call my anneanne and dede on the phone.
Anne decided that I look pretty with a bow in my hair. I told her that I don't like things on my head but let her be happy for about 10 minutes before I took off the bow to see what it tastes like. It tastes fine but I prefer bananas. What do you think of my bow?
Tam Nana ve Grandad tarafindan simartilmaya alisiyordum ki Anneyle Daddy donduler is gezilerinden. Beni cok ozlemisler. Bol bol opup sarildilar. Ben de onlari optum ve sarildim. Annemin kucaginda oturdum bir sure, sanirim hosuna gitti, beni opup durdu. Ama hala uzaktan kumandalarla ve cep telefonlariyla oynamama izin vermiyorlar. Ne kadar degerli seyler, halbuki ben televizyonun kanalini degistirmek ve anneannemle dedemi aramak istiyorum telefonla.
Annem sacima kurdele takmayi cok istedi, sirin gorunuyormusum. Ama biliyorsunuz, kafamda birsey olmasina pek dayanamiyorum. Yine de onu mutlu etmek icin 10 dakika kafamda kalmasina izin verip sonra cikarttim. Tadina baktim. Fena degil ama ben muzu tercih ediyorum. Sizce nasil olmus kurdelem?
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